Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Psychic Bob's Horoscopes - Tuesday, May 10, 2015


 by Bob Hickman


Firmly situated in the Cancer moon, the day will feel stable and focused. A day to pay attention to your inner thoughts and emotions. Don't just "think" but try to "feel." As you become more aware of your inner feelings, things will be clearer today. Pay attention to financial issues as well. Remember to trust yourself. Inside of you is all knowledge.  Also a good day for exploring creative endeavors such as home design and educational opportunites connected to the arts.



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the recent shift of Jupiter moving direct has you feeling focused on achieving financial success. A good day to work on developing your own business. Allow partnerships to be a part  of your strategy for success. As evening approaches focus on loved ones and look for some exciting romance. Wear red for power.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the Cancer moon has you feeling reflective, introspective. A good day for looking at old photo albums and reminiscing. Try to reconnect with your dreams and hopes from the past. If you haven't achieved them, now is the time to revisit and see success. Give yourself time to connect with old friends from long ago. Wear green for love.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, a day when the Cancer moon brings out the inner artist and poet in you. Right now you may feel like communicating through verse and song. Don't let others silence you. Share your heart with others and watch how you find that you are also a healer of souls. Let your creative vision push you to break boundaries and start anew. Wear sky blue for inspiration.

Cancer (June 21-July22)

Cancer, you are continuing today in "high power" mode. Continue to push forward on your plans, dreams, goals. You will find that you are not alone. The Universe is sending support to you in new friends and in financial blessings.Let your light shine and focus on bringing success to others as well. "Group blessing" is your focus today. Wear gold/yellow to attune to the golden light of Spirit.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, today you are continuing to feel inspired in an artistic way. Pay attention to form and textures today. You may be inspired to express yourself through sculpture. A good day to visit an art gallery , or a local pottery shop. Consider taking up a study in ceramics to explore a more hands-on approach to your artistic side. Wear green to attune to earth energies.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, the Cancer moon has you feeling spiritually alive. You will sense the presence of spiritual beings around you today. The Angels really are your friends. Talk, muse, dream your way through the day. You will accomplish more by thought than by raw action. Watch for a phone call from a dear friend who seeks your advice. Help them from the heart. Wear silver for a mystical connection. 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, the Cancer moon is still inspiring you today. Making peace with your past is the key to success now. Don't hold on to past hurts that blind you from the joy of now. A focus on friendships is vital now to moving forward. Look for a new ally to appear in your life from the Spirit World. Wear white for a new beginning.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, the Cancer moon has you in a sentimental mood today. Try to remember "the good old days," yet also know that "now" can be just as good, if you focus on making it so. You will receive news of new work opportunities in the coming days. Consider taking on an extra job for additional income. A good time for financial growth. Wear gray for mental and emotional balance.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius, today's moon in Cancer has you feeling like you want to finally release old hurts and fears. Be brave today and make a choice to move forward in life, knowing that the Higher Power supports you. Focus on your inner truth, let that light be your guiding principal now. Watch for job promotion opportunities. Wear brown for grounded, focused power.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, the Cancer moon has you wanting to confirm that your feelings are accurate. Trust your inner voice now. A sense of the psychic predominates your day. Watch for fascinating "coincidences." Pay attention to colors around you, as they carry messages from the Angels. Wear the color that "inspires" you today.

(January 20-February 18)

Aquarius an excellent day for business of all sorts. You will notice that people appear at the perfect time. You are in harmony with your Higher Self, and you can trust your sense of timing, particularly in business matters. Watch for opportunities to travel for a spiritual experience. Travel in the coming weeks, may well connect you to you past lives. Wear black to attune to the Cosmos today.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, the influence of the Cancer moon has you feeling romantic today. You may be drawn to explore the lifestyles of other time periods, such as the Victorian era. Give in to your sense of romance by wearing luxurious clothes and wearing sensual perfumes/colognes. Love is highlighted for you as afternoon approaches. Share your heart with those around you. Wear gemstones to attune to the power of romantic energies.   


 Psychic Bob Hickman is long-time practicing professional psychic and a well-known media personality. Over the past 20 years he has been featured in print media, as well as done appearances on various radio and television shows around the country.
He is a published author of several books on the paranormal, as well as a YouTube celebrity with over 10,000 views each month. You can see Psychic Bob's weekly psychic-themed videos at his YouTubeChannel at SpiritChannel.
If you would like to schedule Psychic Bob as a guest for your radio or TV show, please contact him at his office at 571-483-2112.
Your can also visit him at his official website: